Girls Like Roses has the cheapest, highest quality flower delivery in Rutland Massachusetts (MA) and surrounding communities.
GL Roses is Rutland's preferred florist delivery service.
Flower delivery to all of Rutland, Massachusetts (MA)
Voted best wedding flowers in Worcester Massachusetts. Roses are a girls best friend.
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Same Day Flower Delivery in Rutland, Massachusetts

1 Dozen Roses = $25.00
2 Dozen Roses = $35.00      
3 Dozen Roses = $45.00

Our Competition Charges up to $100.00 to Deliver
a Dozen Roses

Our Flowers Have Been Featured on Several Hollywood Movies

We can can deliver flowers to all of Rutland, Massachusetts (MA).
GL Roses has the most affordable flower delivery in Rutland, Ma.
Check other florists in the Rutland area to view their prices. Then call us:
Girls Like Roses - The only flower delivery service for Rutland, Ma.

Same day flower delivery in Rutland, Massachusetts by Girls Like Roses.
1 Dozen Red Roses
Classic Bouquet
2 Dozen Red Roses
Royal Red Bouquet

3 Dozen Red Roses     Red Bliss Bouquet                $45.00

1 Dozen Mixed Roses
Classic Mixed Bouquet
2 Dozen Mixed Roses
  Royal Mixed Bouquet
3 Dozen Mixed Roses
   Bliss Bouquet                  $49.00
Girls Like Roses provide the finest flower delivery in Rutland, Massachusetts and surrounding communities. We have same day flower delivery available in Rutland Massachusetts and surrounding cities and towns. We encourage our customers to check out other florists' websites in Rutland, MA to compare prices and quality. Our goal is to become the preferred florists in Rutland Massachusetts and the fastest delivery service available to the entire county. Thank you for visiting our flower delivery page. Please mention our website when you call to order with Girls Like Roses.
Girls Like Roses
1127 Millbury St.
Worcester, Ma 01607

Open 7 Days a Week
Call Now!
With Love,
From all of us at Girls Like Roses!!!
Highest Quality Flower Delivery
at the lowest price